Monday, 22 November 2010

So... I'm not.

I was all set to write a post about how I bought a pregnancy test, in preparation for a really exciting Thanksgiving. And how I was having trouble keeping my hands (and other things) off of it. It's a good thing I restrained myself, though, because this morning I got a little surprise.

Well, not really a surprise. Just an unwelcome, unhoped for bundle of un-joy. I tried to kid myself it could just be a little spotting, but that only worked for about two minutes.

No need for the test now. At least not until next month.

So, now instead of anticipation and butterflies, my abdomen (and back) is filled with horrible cramp, and instead of going to yoga class in town, I'm stuck at home on the sofa, watching The Indian Doctor.
Boo. Well, here's to next month. (And The Indian Doctor. It's quite good, really.)

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