Friday, 26 November 2010

Getting Healthy

All the experts tell you that being a good parent starts before you become a parent. I want my kid(s) to have a much healthier lifestyle than I did as a child. As I've got some unfortunate epigenetics on my side, and some not-so-good habits of my own, I'm resolving (once again) to get as fit as I can, both before and during my eventual pregnancy. So far, this has been a decidedly mixed effort.

Here's the good:
1. Downloaded some prenatal yoga and aerobic exercise videos.
2. Signed up for Janathon.
3. Added 1 orange to my daily breakfast, and subtracted 1 slice of toast. (Leaving 1 slice of whole wheat toast, 1 mug of South Indian tea, 1 orange, and 1 400 mcg. folic acid tablet.)
4. Found some free running clubs and yoga/pilates classes in my area.
5. Discovered that I still have 1 month left on my gym membership!
6. Resolved to cut down on butter in general.
7. Actually managed to only have dessert once or twice a week since returning from vacation. (Until Thanksgiving, of course.)
8. Have bought/will buy much less alcohol than normal this holiday season. After all, I may or may not be able to drink it anyway, so why have it around?

And here's the bad:
1. The Lindt Advent calendars that the mister brought home the other day.
2. Thanksgiving pies + Christmas parties + Christmas + Boxing Day.
3. Keep forgetting to sign up for those free classes/running clubs (which you have to do each week). The one time I did remember, I felt too sick and crampy on the day to even go.
4. Only actually did the yoga and exercise videos once each so far.

So, what's the plan? That's a really good question. At the moment... get changed and go for a run as soon as I stop typing this. Here's the plan, longer-term:

1. Dessert-wise, eat only the Advent chocolates and stuff we have at home. (This still means 1 chocolate per day, plus cookies, mince pies, and hot chocolate. But, hey, it's December. Almost.)
2. Run 3-4 times per week, even if it's only a few miles each time.
3. Go to the gym once per week, through the end of my membership (end of December). Use this time to do some interval or tempo training on the elliptical.
4. Once gym membership ends, Janathon begins! This means running daily, and blogging about it. (Don't know which will be harder.)
5. Keep up the folic acid, add some iron (both through food and vitamins).
6. Do yoga 1-2 times/week, either the free class or the free video variety.
7. Start doing push-ups and core training again, while I still can.
8. To keep myself accountable, and as training for Janathon, blog about it all.

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