Happy Janathon! I started the day way too early... after falling asleep just before midnight only to be startled awake repeatedly by firecrackers (damn kids), I woke up around 5 and couldn't. go back. to sleep. Sigh.
So after a breakfast of homemade bagels (best in London*), I went back to bed. Then had a little snack and went back to bed. Then futzed around making a new fartlek playlist. Then, finally, around 3ish, went out for a short run.
I was dying to test out my playlist, which features songs with alternating tempos (best example of this is probably Dog Days by Florence and the Machine). So I did. I made it short on purpose, just 23 minutes with a warm-up and cool-down song. Considering my messed-up sleep and horrible nutrition today (bagels, 2 granola bars, and a ton of clementines), it was a pretty good run. 2 miles in 20 minutes, including some walking, so my intervals must not've been too bad even though my legs felt pretty heavy throughout.
The good news is that the playlist was a success, and I accidentally scared the wits out of a dude walking down the street when I suddenly burst into a sprint just before passing him (probably with a bizarrely strained look on my face). This is good news because after I sheepishly grinned and waved at him in apology, he shouted Happy new year! back at me. And positive inter-pedestrian interactions are always welcome.
Anyway, here's the run in a nutshell:
Time: 20 min.
Distance: 2 miles
Type: Fartlek
Weather: misty/rainy and cool... very nice
Post-run adverse reactions from baby: none so far, except more tiredness than I would've expected
*This is not saying much.
Happy New Year! Well done for the first day of Janathon and congratulations on your good news - your posts last month made lovely reading.